Sunday, June 14, 2020

Project Change and Revisions Essay - 275 Words

Project Change and Revisions (Essay Sample) Content: Project Change and RevisionsNameInstitutionIt has is noted that the packages going to the end-consumers contain errors that can negatively affect the quality details of the product. Poor packaging in turn paints the image of the company adversely resulting in reduction of sales. The errors noticed were different designs that do not match the product. The errors included the spelling errors in the outer packaging, different picture used on the cover that does not match that of the product and changes in the shapes and color of the lid. The above stated- changes of the product should be acted upon immediately before the time for shipping approaches.The change that occurred is very severe in that they are very visible. The spelling error may lead to misinterpretation of the product with other similar products in the market. The brand color is a very crucial aspect in terms of the marketability of the company. Majorly it affects and companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s image. Customers ar e well connected with the color of the product as their choice. The shape of the product is also a critical aspect as many customers prefer certain shapes of products.Poor branding can bring a wider scope in terms of customerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s needs. The product can easily be misinterpreted by the client because of the wrong spelling thus pose a risk to the company. The different change in the outer picture does not portray the type and nature of the product inside the box as the customersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ choice. The change will automatically create a different image in the buyers mind and as a result the buyer would not buy the product .all these negative aspects will finally lower the quality of the product.The corrective course of actions should be taken so as to minimize and avoid mistakes of that kind. At first when printing the names on the wrappers and covers proper steps should be taken with keen observations. Secondly, when designing the picture/ images on the packages, they should cl early reflect the product inside so as to avoid misinterpretations. A powerful camera with high resolutions should be used so as to ensure quality images are produced. Thirdly, a specific color for every product should be chosen to ensure that it merges appropriately.When the above courses of actions are implemented, they will have positive implications for the company. The quality of the product will be restored and enhanced. The customers will be more attracted to the products due to attractive colors and the quality images branded on the covers. Alternatively when perfect shapes designs are made they tend to be more attractive from afar.I would recommend that all the production procedures to be followed carefully when branding the company`s products. Each and every package should be designed appropriately. Colors that match the product should b...